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Shift 2 Unleashed
1 Minuten 24. Februar 2011 01. Juli 2014 Lukas Fellner

Driver Blog - Vaughn Gittin Jr.

Bei der Entwicklung von Shift 2 Unleashed waren einige professionelle Rennfahrer bei den Slightly Mad Studios zu Besuch.

Der Rennfahrer und Drifter Vaughn Gittin Jr. hat nun in einem neuen Artikel über seine Erfahrungen bei der Entwicklung geschrieben.

There have been a lot of changes to Drifting in the game. We really focused on overall fun factor! With fun in mind, we swayed away from professional drifting competitions and tandem battles, instead concentrating on just going out and having the track to yourself to get crazy on. You can hotlap any track in the game as much as you want without the annoyance of being restarted just when you start getting in the groove. I expect everyone to be thrilled with the refined drift feel and how fun it is, even for the first time players.

Theres also an all new "drift park" called the Nevada Freight Depot. I really pushed hard for an area where players can get familiar with their cars and learn the dynamics of drifting with very little boundaries. This ended up being a perfect place to learn and once you get the hang of drifting, it is a great place to go and freestyle and just have some fun! Hopefully we will have a real-life drift park in the future here in the States!

Das hört sich ja sehr vielversprechend an.

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Shift 2 Unleashed wird am 31. März 2011 für Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 sowie für PC erscheinen. Jetzt vorbestellen!

Shift 2 Unleashed Limited Edition vorbestellen (XBox 360)

Shift 2 Unleashed Limited Edition vorbestellen (PC)

Shift 2 Unleashed Limited Edition vorbestellen (PS3)